Keep your Coins, What I want is Change


*****A man cannot change unless he is willing to change*****

The greatest battle that mankind has ever faced is the battle of the mind. Empires, Nations and Terrific Leaders have all been made and broken by this power element. The first step required by someone who is on a quest to greatness and success in life is the reorientation of the mind. You cannot change an individual by changing his externals or his environment only, as the greatest change occurs when the mind of that person is reorientated. Once this battle is won, there is no limit to what that individual can achieve.

I have heard several times from citizens of my country and citizens of other countries likewise about their rage and discouragement in the government, wherein they complain that the government is not doing enough. When I try to find out from them what they think the solution is, they simply say the government should give a certain amount of money to the citizens like a million Naira each or say sixty thousand Rand, claiming that this will solve the problem of poverty. There is nothing as totally absurd by this blatant ignorant solution of these feeble minds. May I state it to you that the problem we are facing as a Nation is not as a result of poverty, yes damn right nor is it even that of corruption (this is where it gets interesting as I can sense all the political activists and analysts in the house gradually rise to defend their beliefs and convictions, cool down and relax your mind, haha, lol). Now back to the matter, the main problem we are encountering as a Nation such as the likes of corruption and poverty are actually products of a non-oriented and unchallenged mind. They are products of the power element otherwise known as ‘The Feeble Mind’. Martin Luther King Jr, whom I consider one of the greatest Reformers in the history of mankind once said “A Nation that continues to produce soft minded citizens has already sentenced her own citizens to death”.

We are a product of our mindset and only portray that which we are actually made up of. That is the reason we have Leaders who mess up so much and have brought the country down into a dark abyss. All these so called ‘bad leaders’ are all products of their own mindset which is their power element.
Let me briefly share with you a story of a certain 19 years old garbage man. He was homeless and stricken by poverty, fortunately for him he won 15 million dollars from a lottery. Some years later, this man became broke and homeless again after spending the money on booze, drugs, gambling and women. So my question to you is; how come the man ended up broke and homeless again? The answer is simple. The money only changed his externals and allowed him to live a lavish lifestyle for only a deceitful period of time. The man himself wasn’t changed and the money certainly didn’t change who he really is, a man who lacks purpose, a feeble minded person whose mind hasn’t been challenged and reoriented.

The first step to actually solving a problem is knowing that there is one. Once you acknowledge that you really need a change, I want you to know the change has already started. Get appropriate books which are educative, enlightening and entertaining at the same time. These kind of books really expose you to the world of knowledge beyond that which the ‘classroom’ can cater for. For some people it might require you to watch inspirational movies which is going to challenge your mindset and thus inspire you to be a better person in whatever you want to achieve. Also try to associate yourself with purpose minded individuals as the change you really desire can be ignited fast through this medium. The legendary wise man was totally right when he quoted that ‘A man who walks with the wise shall become wise’.
